What will it cost to sell my home?

Real estate commission in North Carolina are negotiable, as per NC law.

What Does Professional Photography and Staging cost me?

Our clients never pay out-of-pocket for photography, staging or marketing. One of the reasons that JG&A is not a “flat-fee” or a “discount” agency is that when we list a property, we want it to sell for the highest possible price. That requires a certain degree of marketing and pre-listing preparation, the cost of which is factored into our commission, which you only pay when your home sells.

My Home was on the market and didn’t sell - Why will this time be any different?

Every property is unique, and a home may fail to sell for any number of reasons, which may or may not be apparent. Even when it’s easy to point to a single thing as the cause, you should have your situation reviewed by a competent, experienced listing agent to be certain that nothing significant has been overlooked.

My (friend, family member) is a realtor - Why should I interview JG&A?

If every Realtor did the same things to sell homes - that is, if every Realtor’s marketing know-how, negotiating ability and personal diligence were equal - it would only make sense to work with “the agent you know.” However, because there can be a great difference between agents (and the amount they may get for your home) it is always advisable to interview more than one agent for the job of selling your home.

How long will it take to sell my home?

Every home is different, and how long your home is on the market will depend on multiple factors. Some of these, such as the condition of your home, quality of presentation and scope of market reach, can be controlled. Others, such as location, general price point and physical features (proximity to power lines, construction in a flood plain, et cetera) cannot. When we meet to discuss your sale, your listing agent will go over the factors that will impact your time on-market, and what you can reasonably expect given your home’s unique circumstances. 

Why will some agents/agencies list my home for less?

Listing a home in the most bare-bones manner is a relatively low-overhead undertaking. At a minimum, your home will be photographed (professionally or not) and its information uploaded (“listed”) to/on the MLS, which will then auto-populate to websites that employ an IDX Feed (Zillow, Trulia, Realtor.com, et cetera.)* Because these are so low-cost as to be almost free to the agent,** it is possible to build a profitable, low-cost, low-overhead real estate business. JG&A is a company founded on the understanding that the cheapest way of doing a thing is usually not the best. Because homes that are better presented and more aggressively promoted tend to sell at a greater profit to their owners, we invest heavily in the preparation, presentation and promotion of your home. Owing to the natural costs of doing the job in the manner we feel is right, we are not a “1%” agency.

Before you sell your home to or through the latest get-it-sold-quick scheme, give us a call. We’ll show you why it is often easier, faster, and at the end of the day, less costly, to work with a qualified, full-service listing agency than the lowest bidder.


*All third-party names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
**All agents and Realtors pay fees to belong to the MLS and their respective associations. No implication that such access is truly “free” or without cost is being made.